
  • AWB Statement about Afghanistan Crisis

    Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) is deeply concerned by the situation in
    Afghanistan. This concern is first and foremost for the people of
    Afghanistan, particularly those groups that are most vulnerable, including
    women and children. The current crisis has generated a great deal of
    uncertainty and worry for many in our extended AWB community.

    We join the global call for safeguarding and respecting human rights of all

    those in Afghanistan and around the world. As a leading voice of
    astronomy enthusiasts, educators and scientists in the global astronomical
    community, AWB puts particular emphasis on the right to education and
    access to information, freedom of opinion and expression that is inclusive
    and without discrimination due to gender, ethnicity, religion or political

    For anyone experiencing distress, or being impacted by current events in
    Afghanistan, AWB suggests you reach out to the following organizations
    who have ongoing operations in Afghanistan and the region:

    U.S. State Department - Special Immigrant Visas - 

    UNICEF via online email form at 

    International Rescue Committee

    Women for Afghan Women