
New Orange Country Astronomers Outreach Coordinator Using Dwarf ll Telescope's

By dr Jeff Gray Cfm posted 08-23-2023 22:14


My name is Jeff Gray I am the Outreach Coordinator for the Orange Country Astronomers. I put on day time school video presentations Girl Scouts Cub Scouts camp out's.

 At night we set up a Dwarf ll Smart telescope. Using a state of the art laser projector we then project the live stacked images. This method has work out very well with large crowds.

Girls Scouts Irvine Lake





08-24-2023 13:07

I have found over the course of the last year the strong advantages of using smart scopes (not just the dwarf ll) in Outreach Programs

1) Easy transport and set-up of equipment to remote site's with out the need running power banks and cords. 

2) The need to arrange to get 10 people in the same place at the same time get set up then trouble shoot no longer needed.

 3) long lines of people viewing different targets and not having time to explain in detail about the object is over the smart scopes catalog allows for detail's of the object to be also projected on the screen along side the live stacking of the target. Families can sit and watch the wonders of our Universe in comfort. 

 4) One of the most important aspects is The Outreach team members now have more time to help the families learn how to get the most out of their own telescopes.

The one downfall I have found with this model at OCA is Everyone wants to come and show off their shiny Telescopes. When I get email's from members who want to volunteer. I explain how the program runs. The impression I receive from them is that this is beneath them.    

Please look at my next posting of pictures from the dwarf telescopes I have taken. 

08-24-2023 11:32

Jeff, could you please share more information about the Dwarf  telescope? I would like to learn more about what type of telescope it is and how you use it.  What makes it a better tool for outreach events when compared to a standard telescope?

Thank you so much for sharing!