
Moon + Planets alignment June 24-5 , 2022

By Eden Orion posted 06-26-2022 04:05


As it was planned to be an AWB event, I've set a Facebook Event for the dawn of 24th June 2022.

I live in a Village in north Israel, called Qoranit, and we have a place with a nice view to the east and south.
The dawn of 23rd of June was clear and I could easy see Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
I was quite sure the the morning after will be the same and invited people in facebook and in the village internal network to come and see the magical alignment next morning.
It was so dissipating to wake up on the 24th June to see a thick blanket of clouds covering the sky.

Since I've promised to put a telescope at the place I came to the point and placed the telescope and waited to the clouds to go and people to come.

Well, Probably I have some communication problem with the weather and the clouds did not hear my pray...

People, however, came (not to many) ... so we were able to see Jupiter and it's moons and  Saturn's rings, between the clouds.

We were not able to see the whole row of the moon and planets.

A day after, the dawn of Saturday , My wife woke me up on 03:00 AM saying that the visibility is crystal clear....
So I went again to the point without a telescope but with my phone and tripod.
I was able to catch Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the same frame!

Image Details:
Camera - Redmi note 10 pro, ultra wide camera
Cammea App: Gcam 8.4
Image processing: Photoshop 2022
Soon: Astro Photography with a smartphone. Stay Tuned...
