
Night Sky Protection: 10 Basics Tips For Beginners

By Exodus CL Sit posted 06-12-2021 03:16


Night Sky Protection: 10 Basics Tips For Beginners - IDL2021 - YouTube

Conference organized by International Day of Light,  IAU Dark Skies and Cosmic Tribe

The disappearance of dark skies has impacts beyond stargazing. It’s important that we protect our dark skies. Learn more about from an expert.

Speaker's Profile:

Exodus is an International Transmedia Astronomer and Astro-Musician from Hong Kong, China. He is the International Committee of the International Dark-Sky Association and National Astronomy Education Coordinator (Chair of Hong Kong) of the International Astronomical Union. Additionally, he is the delegate of Astronomers Without Borders and Aurora Association, where he promotes dark-sky protection and STEAM education. In 2017, Exodus started social innovation on STEAM Education from being the Chairperson of HKUST Astronomy Club. Currently, as the External Vice-President of Starrix, Exodus also becomes a guest speaker of the Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Science Museum, organizing public lectures and experiential learning workshops. By integrating science and the arts, Exodus discovered their consonance and harmony. He has traveled to 40 countries for inspiration. Additionally, as the founder of the “1-minute Astronomy” channel, he acts as “ASTROMAN” to share his experience on stargazing etiquette and night-sky photography through multi-media. #IDL2021 #DarkSkies4All #IAUoutreach #CosmicTribe




06-15-2021 12:07

There is a great website by the International Astronomical Union, which provides a list of useful website about Astronomy

Would you have suggested videos which are inspiring?

06-15-2021 12:04

There might be some potential youtube channels which I am currently exploring useful online videos (open resources)

06-14-2021 14:31

I enjoyed your tips for beginners video. You certainly brought up some great tips to consider for any public or private outreach events. Thank you for taking time to help your fellow amateur astronomers and pros. 

Do others of you in the community have any additional tips to share?

06-12-2021 03:17

06-12-2021 03:16

For more information,

Innovative ideas

Interactive opportunities

International Dark-Sky Association