
Celebrating the International Observe the Moon Night 2022

By Eyad Khailany posted 10-03-2022 14:26

AWB National Coordinator; Eyad Khailany has celebrated International Observe the Moon Night 2022 in Gasha International School in Erbil, Iraq this Saturday. A large moon projection was used with lots of information given to the attendees (mostly school kids) about the moon landing missions and future mission to the moon.

Later on we have awarded those bright kids and their families the experience of directly observing the moon through the eyepiece of our telescope. We have witnessed the amazement on the faces of the kids as this as their first time ever to spot all the detailed lunar feature at such a magnitude.

Special thanks to the dedicated team and the wonderful management of Gasha International School in Erbil, without you we wouldn't have done it.

The overall event was very promising, mesmerizing, informative and inspiring for all the viewers alike!

Eyad S. Khailany
National Coordinator Iraq
Astronomers Without Borders

