
Deeper Depths

By Harley White posted 08-22-2022 06:56


Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

Deeper Depths

In deeper depths we strive to peek
through sharper optical technique
and glimpse beyond to sights unseen
with magnifying lenses keen
and special telescopic tweak.
Still here on earth with doublespeak
we inadvertent havoc wreak
albeit nature holds the lien
in deeper depths.
Yet ‘midst the visible mystique
within perception’s mien oblique
concealed beneath illusion’s screen,
could there be beingness serene
an all-embracing realm to seek
in deeper depths?
~ Harley White
* * * * * * * * *
The poem is in the form of a rondeau…
A source of inspiration was the following…
NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet…
Explanation: Webb’s image is approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length, a tiny sliver of the vast universe… This deep field, taken by Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), is a composite made from images at different wavelengths, totaling 12.5 hours – achieving depths at infrared wavelengths beyond the Hubble Space Telescope’s deepest fields, which took weeks.
Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI
