
2024 Arkansas Total Solar Eclipse Update

By Keith Sowell, PhD posted 04-07-2024 23:38


With just a few hours away from the total eclipse in Arkansas with its totality at 1:50:05 p.m., I awate my reservation in downtown Russellville at noon where many representatives are awaiting for the event. We have NASA doing a research study on the eclipse, several noted Astronomers and even one Astronaut are attending the event including me, and people from several different states and countries all gathering in this almost rural city to see the eclipse in its totality. Me, being an original residence and growing up in this town makes it special to me that so many people are coming to my home town for this event including NASA. I have handed out many cards advertising our membership and have made a lot of new friends along the way interested in astronomy, especialy during this event tomorrow. The skies are forcasted to be clear during the eclipse with clouds forming soon after, but I hope we have clear skies so that I can take pictures and video of the event to post later. Well, I wish you all clear skies tomorrow and hope you get to see the Total Solar Eclipse playing at whatever time and location the event is happening in your zone.

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