
Mexico is celebrating "Noche de las Estrellas 2022" on Dec 03rd. - country-wide event.

By Jose Segovia posted 12-01-2022 00:19

Hello AWB friends!

Mexico is celebrating a country-wide, observing party event called "Noche de las estrellas" 2022 edition.

Science, sustainer for development.

Goal: To raise awareness and convince people about the importance of the Basic Sciences, which give us the possibility of better understanding nature and society, that allow us to make decision-making and actions more efficient to achieve a future as humanity.

One of the location for this event, here in Aguascalientes Mexico is the Planetary and Observatory complex "Hypatia of Alexandria", that is currently under development.

We will post some photos of the event.

Clear skies for everyone!



12-02-2022 17:13

Wishing you great success for your events. We look forward to seeing how it turns out. 

12-02-2022 16:03

Hi Andee!

Thanks, this a star party that is being celebrated each year, and Aguascalientes (located in the center of Mexico).is having a double celebration, as we are almost ready to have a new astronomical complex.

I will share with the community photos of this event and a schedule of events for 2023.

Kindly regards.

12-02-2022 15:29

Hola, Jose! This sounds like a really big event! Please share some photos, if you have any for the community. 
How many star parties are scheduled across the country? 
Here's wishing you clear skies!