
Encounter of Giants - Philippines

By Reuel Norman Marigza posted 12-17-2020 11:27


There is growing excitement for the great conjunction as the celestial encounter continues to be promoted in social media. You can see various discussions going on Filipino FB groups from explanatory posts, to equipment inquiries to view and image the event. The closest point won't be visible in the Philippines and the unpredictable weather always presents a chance of clouds obscuring the view on the 21st. We've been encouraging others to try and observe/image as often as the sky allows them.

Typically astronomy groups in the Philippines go for free telescope viewing events for these kind of activities but the COVID restrictions at play highly discourages doing such. So instead of physical events, sharing the conjunction virtually is the best option.

Image from Dec 16 using a Sky-Watcher Explorer 150PL (F=1200mm)
Separation from Dec 16 as seen through a Sky-Watcher Explorer 150PL.
The full FOV and the cropped out versions are taken with different settings.
Separation from Dec 16 taken as the Sun sets and the sky remains illuminated.
The targets were not visible with the unaided eye at this time.

Separation from December 11 as seen through a Celestron Omni 150 XLT (F=750mm)
Separation from Dec 11 as seen through a Celestron Omni 150 XLT
Separation from Dec 9 as seen through a Celestron Omni 150 XLT


The day of the great conjunction has been mostly overcast from my location but I waited for gaps in the clouds from 5:30-7:00 for the week of the conjunction. I had clear skies the night after on the 22nd where I finally got to enjoy looking through the eyepiece rather than focusing solely on imaging. The visual view was breathtaking and the images did not do it justice.



