
Remember Bob Eklund

By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe posted 09-15-2021 14:16


Remember Bob Eklund

By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe


More memories and a marvelous memory…

Astropoetry events, astropoetry…


In March 2010 Mick Simmons and Bob Eklund called me to help with my experience the new created Astropoetry Blog and the development of astropoetry in Astronomers Without Borders.

So first I wanted to create a model and thus I initiated and coordinated a large international super-project (with the support of the SARM president Valentin Grigore and the web master Florin Alexandru Stancu), “Astropoetry to the Global Astronomy Month 2010”, in which I tried to combine images from astronomy events with astropoetry from all over the world, astrophotography and astroart.  .  

In the end, we presented aspects from the first astropoetry gala in the history of GAM, which the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) organized in April 2010 at the Bucharest Municipal Observatory.

This project, for which Bob Eklund became a honorary councilor, was conceived as a SARM-AWB cooperation, was published in Cosmopoetry - SARM and Friends and appeared as an official project of GAM 2010.

Then, in July 2010, I sent to Bob a (Romanian) astropoetry mini-anthology, which he published in the Astropoetry Blog.

From then on the Astropoetry Blog began to fly, exceptionally led by Bob Eklund, who invited me in 2011 to become a member in the jury of the annual AWB international astropoetry contest for GAM (2011-2019). 

In 2016, SARM’s Cosmopoetry Internationals gave Bob Eklund the title of World Cosmopoetry Champion for his Opera Omnia in the astropoetry field.

Our long conversations in name of astropoetry have left much light in my soul.

Finally, here is the link to the 2010 project, “Astropoetry to the Global Astronomy Month”, where Bob Eklund was largely represented (he submitted an impressive material and we presented his book “First Star I See Tonight” at Valentin Grigore’s “Us and the Sky TV Show” and the international exhibition of astronomical poetry at the Bucharest Municipal Observatory):



