Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (97):
Homage to Brancoveanu
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (astro-photo-poem-essay) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)
On November 24, 2020,
on the Calarasi Way,
I enjoyed a bloody sunset,
a Greek house with a star
and the spire of Saint Mina’s Church.
Three days later
I returned there in broad daylight.
Saint Mina;s Church was founded in 1725 by Ancuta Brancoveanu and Vartolomei Vergu, a daughter and a friend of the ruler martyr of the Romanian Land, Constantin Brancoveanu, who had been politely invited to Istanbul and beheaded together with his four sons by an Ottoman sultan in 1714 just because he had refused to change his religion (from Christian Orthodox to Muslim).
I noticed there a newer painting
that does not represent the Ring Nebula
(as some would think),
but God’s Eye.
I also noticed above the church
two celestial children of the Creator,
the Sun and the Moon,
who have not yet been touched
by human crimes.