Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (175):
An Angel of Light
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (astro-photo-poem) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)
(ADG note:
By my calculation, this is the 1000th episode of my mega-series from the pandemic period, which I started in March 2020: 454 episodes in “For Global Astronomy Month 2020” and 1 countless episode for the AWB Astropoetry Blog on the old website, 370 episodes in the four projects of “Cosmopoetry Diary in the Pandemic” on Cosmopoetry - SARM and Friends, and 175 episodes in “Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest” for the AWB Astroarts program on the new website. I wanted to stop a few times, but I couldn't. Now I don't know when I'll stop.)
March 4, 2022, evening twilight.
The cloud angel above the Bucharest delta
turned into a sun angel
(with crown, head, wings and legs).
Since then
I have been waiting for him
to come down to earth
to annihilate pandemics and wars.
That evening
my old friend Sirius told me
that he would be happy
to participate in this process as well.