Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (184):
GAM 2022 - The Honorary Greeting of the Spring Triangle
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (astro-photo-poem) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)
April 3, 2022.
After midnight
I started hunting the four (!) stars
of the Spring Triangle:
and Denebola
from Leo
(the western limit of this asterism
is everyone's choice),
Spica from Virgo
and Arcturus the boss from Boötes.
Then the light of day gave me
a new idea.
So I had, right next to the children's observatory,
my first astronomical meeting during GAM 2022
with my friend Radu Moroeanu.
We tried to talk
(but we didn't succeed enough)
about how many are
in the Sun
and in each star.