Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (237):
GAM 2022 - Astropoetry Tour with Tit Tihon
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos), Tit Tihon (astropoem) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)
An old friend of mine, Tit Tihon (professor of mathematics, former preparer for Olympic competitors in astronomy and former national astropoetry laureate) visited his daughter in Canada just before the pandemic and ... decided to stay there!
He recently sent me a poem that inspired me to try a special project for April 15-24, 2022 in this series.
The project is called Bucharest Astropoetry Tour and is dedicated to Astronomers Without Borders, Astroarts program and Global Astronomy Month 2022.
Here is that astropoem (for which I used some photos taken on April 15):
Astropoem by Tit Tihon
Photo-scenario by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
From everywhere and from nowhere,
Time has been and is another dimension
Written in Euclidean existence
Because the North Star looks at us with joy.
Time passes,
Nothing new under the Sun,
Friendship remains eternal among the sung planets,
Lively friendship remains immortal.