
Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (241) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe posted 05-24-2022 03:40

Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (241):
GAM 2022 - Astropoetry Tour with Radu Moroeanu
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (text and photos), Radu Moroeanu (astropoem) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)

Usually I am also the translator (from Romanian to English) of the astropoems of SARM members and friends, but this time a poet and newcomer to astropoetry, Radu Moroeanu (a graduate of the Marine Institute who now lives not on the ocean, but on land in Bucharest), insisted on sending me his astropoem directly in English.
I used for it four pictures (including the Sun and the Moon) of the area where he lives.

Astropoem by Radu Moroeanu
Photo-scenario by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe 

Gazing upon the untamed sky,
Words can't describe the splendor,
Like all the things in our world,
Won't stay like this much longer,

Finding some comfort in the change,
Imagining the future,
Finding some sense in what is strange,
Soon part of our culture,

Trusting the Moon as our guide,
Admiring it from Terra,
Waiting to light its darker side,
Beginning of an era.

The North Star guided sailors far,
To help them build a future,
As all men wish upon a star,
Will guide them light years further.

I'm thanking God we're not all blind.
Change ways in the infinite,
Pray that the Universe is kind,
And there's still time to make it.

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