Cosmic Multicultural Bucharest in the Pandemic (418)
My Wishes to the Sky Lovers for a Better Year 2023
By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (astro-photo-poem) and Florin Alexandru Stancu (design)
In the last weeks of 2022,
I took some astrophotographs
to be able to send wishes to sky lovers
before the Winter Holidays.
May the Moon
always bring you
good fortune!
Don't fall like sad Lucifer,
but have a proud orbit,
like spherical Jupiter!
May Sirius
kindly protect
your sinus!
On December 20th
I collected other heavenly items
for my wishes.
May the Sun
bring you a dove
of peace and love!
May Rigel and Betelgeuse
from Orion
together with Procyon
bring you
heavenly bon ton!
May the planet Mars
inspire you to live
like the true stars!