By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
When someone writes an astropoem,
he / she becomes a star.
But when all four members of a family
do the same thing
(even Mizar would feel challenged)...
they become a quadruple star!
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
With some delay, I feel obliged to signal an incredible, unique event on the main
platform of world astropoetry, which has become the astroarts blog of Astronomers
Without Borders.
On April 30, 2022, the main cosmopoetry gala of the Spring Stars camp of the Romanian
Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM (held after several astronomy courses and
nights of sky observations in Runcu Stone) included an amazing moment, when all four
members of a family (parents, who were two distinguished doctors, and their twin
children, a boy and a girl) each read an astropoem of their own.
Here are their works:
By Iris Cinteza (10 years)
When I was a little girl
I asked myself:
‘What is in the sky?’
Some answered me:
‘Star dust and ice.’
Others answered me:
‘There is the House of the Holy Lord.’
The truth is that the Holy Lord
has his House everywhere:
in star dust,
in spring flowers,
in souls...
By Serban Cinteza (10 years)
Stars, constellations...
there are so many!
You can see a lot of magic
in all kinds of constellations.
But you can't see them all,
you can't be at the same time
in the north and the south.
By Elena Cinteza (mother)
‘Why did I come into the world?’ -
asked Iris.
(She was two years old.)
‘For love!’ -
answered her father.
‘Listen to the Universe,
it is all a mystery...
and you will see!’ -
answered her mother.
By Mircea Cinteza (father)
The canopy of heaven envelops us,
we feel it from sunset to dawn.
But this vault does it all the time,
with diamonds and stardust
at night,
with the light that gives life
during the day.
What a miracle to try
to learn its language!