
AUTUMN EQUINOX 2024 (MINI-ANTHOLOGY) By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe posted 09-24-2024 12:41



By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe 



This is a mini-anthology of short astropoems, made by the Bucharest branch of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM), translated by me from Romanian to English, with a photo at the end also taken by me.


Day and night are equal in flight, 

the path is retrograde, 

the rhythm changes again, 

the equinox comes, 

the Sun is slow. 

(Alex Vizitiu) 


On September 22, 2024, I saw some 

half-green, half-brown leaves, 

and I understood that 

they were also celebrating, 

in their own way, 

the autumn equinox. 

(Andrei Dorian Gheorghe) 


Lady Day and Lady Night 

meet today, as every year, 

to enjoy a cup of grape must, 

seasoned with fresh walnut kernels. 

(Delia Motoc) 


The road is still the same, 

the sky is walking 

and the night will finally 

win the day. 

The Sun descends, 

the Moon takes her action, 

the mysterious equinox 

balances the situation. 

(Alex Vizitiu) 


Night equals Day. 

The Sun decides

(the meaning is clear):

“It's time for more stars 

to appear.” 

(Andrei Dorian Gheorghe) 


