
Leap Beyond

By Harley White posted 04-02-2021 09:06


Cat Star Sky Moon

Leap Beyond



A leap beyond to new plateau

beyond beyonds we’ve come to know

gives rise to cosmic skies o’erspread

with dreams where dreamers scarcely tread

in firmament of indigo.


The mortals wed to status quo

of pomp and circumstantial show

afeared of drop below may dread

a leap beyond.


Yet some unmindful souls will throw

their fate into uncharted flow

by stepping out of common thread

to find their feet where others fled

ere death unbidden would bestow

a leap beyond.



~ Harley White


 * * * * * * * * *


 The poem is a rondeau…


Image ~ Cat Star Sky Moon ~ Public Domain Pictures Net…



1 comment



04-02-2021 16:41

Harley, your poem is really beautiful! Thank you!