
Celestial Wishing Well

By Harley White posted 03-20-2024 10:00


Credit: ESO/G. Beccari



Celestial Wishing Well



Oh Wishing Well Cluster, grant me a wish,

perhaps more than one, if you would.

You waken within me starry-eyed hopes

plus dreams which in all likelihood

may stumble and fall on galactic slopes,

though I hope hopes shall never diminish.


How stunning the colors in your array

called NGC three five three two,

some hot bluish tinted, others orange hued.

While names diverse were given you,

the ‘Wishing Well’ title my fancies wooed,

one thousand three hundred light-years away.


In constellation Carina you’re found

which means the ‘Keel of Argo ship’

and said to resemble silver coins strewn.

To make wish there would be a trip

far out into a celestial lagoon

where astrals stelliferously abound.


So splendidly you bespangle on high

with stippling of stars up above

through paths sidereal sparklingly lit

the firmament vaultings thereof,

where verses supernal by poets writ

may e’ermore resound in Milky-Wayed sky.


Twice size of the full moon, your cluster is

considered a binary-rich

assemblage of elegant double stars

whose tinctures our senses bewitch

and stretch out perception of nears and fars

while round about Sun we mindlessly whiz


as infinitely as our span,

awash in the vast cosmic plan…



~ Harley White



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Inspiration derived from the following…


NGC 3532 (Wikipedia)…


A Colourful Gathering of Middle-aged Stars (ESO Org.)…


Explanation: The MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile has captured a richly colorful view of the bright star cluster NGC 3532. Some of the stars still shine with a hot bluish color, but many of the more massive ones have become red giants and glow with a rich orange hue…


Credit: ESO/G. Beccari

