
Galactic Tadpole

By Harley White posted 05-03-2024 08:32


Image credit and caption: Hubble Legacy Archive, ESA, NASA



Galactic Tadpole


A pollywog turns into a frog

or toad as the case may be,

‘pol’ being the head and ‘wog’ like wiggle,

the sound of the word may make one giggle;

its transformation leaves us agog

though prince we may never see.


It’s part of sequence biologic,

within the cycle of life,

most species being fully aquatic

albeit some ‘froglets’ more exotic

perhaps, to be quite pedagogic,

grow up on land, while less rife.


The Tadpole galaxy spiral barred

in Draco constellation

which signifies dragon in Latin tongue

has spectacular tidal tail far-flung

in stellar trail celestially starred

supernal in creation.


It’s four hundred twenty million light-

years away from Earth merely.

The tail itself is two hundred eighty

thousand light-years; the argument weighty

for how this odd disruption outright

took place was merger clearly.


A striking sight is pollywog pose

with astral clusters bright blue,

moreover of course the boundless yonder,

yet life on our globe still makes us ponder

where myriad mortal forms arose

and humans make much ado…



~ Harley White



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Inspiration derived from the following…


Tadpole Galaxy (Wikipedia)…


Tadpole’s Tidal Tail (NASA)…


Explanation: The Tadpole Galaxy is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located 420 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco. Its most dramatic feature is a trail of stars about 280,000 light-years long. Its size has been attributed to a merger with a smaller galaxy that is believed to have occurred about 100 million years ago. It is filled with bright blue star clusters. This galaxy is the largest disrupted spiral galaxy of its sort.


Image credit and caption: Hubble Legacy Archive, ESA, NASA

