Again this year we participated in the NASA-event INOMN. We combined our event with the local event "Long Night of Museums" (Lange Nacht der Museen).
We registered our observatory "Kepler Sternwarte Linz" on the INOMN website.
Unfortunately we had bad weather on the first of October but nevertheless we could welcome more than 200 visitors during this evening. We organized some talks and presentations about our astronomical association and what amateur astronomers are doing. Instead of a live-view we could show a record of a moonvideo done with our telescopes. So people could get an impression what's the feeling to have a look on the moon using a telescope. They could see the typical seeing on our location in the city. Of course we talked about lightpollution and the problems for astronomers. Additionally we offered some fingerfood, drinks and some extraterrestrial gifts for our visitors. For the children we prepared some air-rocket starts. It was a successful event and we could inpire our visitors for astronomical observations. The most of them we will hopefully see again at regular public night skytours when the weather will be fine.