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Artist’s impression of the newly-discovered rocky exoplanet, LHS 1140bCredit: M. Weiss/CfA
Whoever we're wemark our footprinton the blueworld, so fascinatingIt's up tous, solely, whatkind of heritageit will be:Poetry of beautyof mankind's creativityor depressing proofof destructive ignoranceWe're beings whichproudly call themselvesthe greatest sensationof the UniverseHowever, there's somethingthat still definesus since centuries;a warlike genIt's our burdenwe don't especiallybother, perhaps becausewe got accustomedWhat can changeus then…? Asignal, consciousness thatwe're not alone* …* and have never been.
Mirosław Wójcik | November 8, 2021 | Poland
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