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The Space Launch System: NASA’s Artemis I Moon Rocket
Credit: NASA image/Kevin O’Brien
The dreams of explorationof vast space havereturn recently by launchinga long-awaited mission ArtemisA brand-new rocket hasset out for arendezvous with the Moonperforming simultaneously feasibility testsThis way mankind wantsto re-open previously closedchapter by making theseries of bold leapsPerhaps, regardless on theseefforts, we aren't readyyet for a far-reachingconquest of the Universe…However, each time ithappens, the dream ofa true space odysseyreturns lighting creative mindsFly then SLS. Bringback safely home Orion*,pass on my greetingsto the Silver Globe.
* Artemis#1 Mission has been already accomplished, this verse has a wider meaning in the context of further missions i.e. Artemis#2, Artemis#3 scheduled on 2023 and 2025, respectively.
Mirosław Wójcik | December 19, 2022 | Poland