"The Gnomon and Its Solstice Shadows: A Universal Paradigm?

When:  Apr 26, 2022 from 20:00 to 21:00 (EET)
"The Gnomon and Its Solstice Shadows: A Universal Paradigm?

In this meeting we are honoured to host Dr. Raul Perez-Enriquez fromUniversity of Sonora (UNISON), Mexico.

DrDr PereDr. Raul Perez-Enriquez will talke to us about the The Gnomon and Its Solstice Shadows.

A very interesting talk that should not be missed.

He obtained his Doctorate at University of Sonora in 2007. His Bachelor Degree was studied at Faculty of Sciences,

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1975. He worked as nuclear researcher during almost 10 years, at ININ.

Also, he made research in the field of energy generation by alternate source in CIDESON.

He became lecturer at University of Sonora (UNISON) in 1986. Since 1996, he was full time professor at Department of Physics, UNISON.

Today, he is a jubilated researcher.


In July 2008, Telesio - Galilei Association awarded him with the Gold Medal in Hadronic Chemistry.

The medal was granted for his contribution to Hadronic Sciences, mainly for his work on Exact solution to the Three-body Model of the Hydrogen Molecule,

included in the Doctoral Thesis. He, also, was awarded by ANADRASIS association, in Greece, for his contribution to science, in 2015.


Between his papers in the fields of computer controlled instrumentation and history of metrology,

there are the design and construction of a Talking Metronome and a Multicronometer with an RS-232 Interphase; in the latter,

he has presented his work in National and International Meetings,

mainly about the units of length at Stonehenge and its relation with the Origin of the English System of Units; recently,

he published to books about archaeoastronomy: Physical and Paradigmatic issues of the Gnomonic Factor and

Interpretation of the Zhou Bi Suan Jing: A Chinese and holistic Cosmovision of the world. Both are in Spanish.


His computer controlled experiments and his passion on Möbius Strip gave him the way to make an evaluation model

of the high critical temperature superconductors. About this it is worth to mention his article entitled

A Structural Parameter for High Tc Superconductivity from an Octahedral Möbius Strip in RBaCuO:123 type Perovskites,

published in 2002 in Revista Mexicana de Física, in English.


Dr Perez-Enriquez has, ever, been committed with diffusion and divulgation of science and technology; few years ago,

he developed the “Talleres de Ciencia Infantil” and conferences and talks in the frames of “Veranos de la Investigacion para Bachilleres”.

In the field of divulgation, University of Sonora published him, in 2012, a bilingual book entitled “Adventures of The Tachyon through space-time”

and, in 2005, “Como piedrecillas en el estanque”.

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George Troullias