By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
This episode is also special because in it I tried to harmonize spiritual phrases collected from personalities from the festival in a short collective astropoetic drama, with occasional rhymes (in the Romanian original that I translated into English, these were much more).
(an astropoetical mini-drama in which each astronomer plays his own role)
Place of action and characters:
Somewhere in the mountains, in a place called Runcu Stone, several Romanian astronomers, some mature, some young, are waiting for nightfall.
Vasile Chirilă:
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and the bearded Valentin Grigore are not… Rabindranath Tagore!
Ioana Ilie:
Neither Valentin Gheorghe nor Andrei Dorian Grigore!
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
Then let's sit on the terrace to see two celestial films: the one above with what's left of the South Taurids, and the one below with the maximum of the Orionids!
(Valentin Grigore leads the young people to a nearby plateau for sky observations, while the mature ones stay on the terrace.)
Ovidiu Ignat:
Astronomers and miners work in the dark.
The difference is that the miner's sky is lower.
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
And the astronomer’s sky includes real stars.
Jan Ovidiu Tercu:
I sit and look at the sky tanning myself to Jupiter.
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
We all sit and go through a temperature transit period at the same time.
Maybe we should take a suitable medicine.
For now, we only have some wine.
Should it be enough or is it too little?
Anyway, I’m still fine.
Cristian Dănescu:
Should we also take a medicine when Jupiter transits a distant star?
Cosmin Sorin Miclos:
Capella has risen...
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
And it will bring the star suites of Taurus, Orion and the Winter Triangle, as if the sky would put strings in a bangle.
What privileges!
The most beautiful picture in the sky, which will be furrowed by meteors.
Sublime arpeggios!
It will not be a bullfight, but a lucid vision of flight.
(Indeed, soon the two radiants of the meteor showers also appear.)
Vitalie Chistol:
Last night I photographed Orion right from the balcony.
Jan Ovidiu Tercu:
A meteor south of the Pleiades!
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
One near the star Saiph!
Cosmin Sorin Miclos:
And one photographed by me!
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
After all, I think that from the wine it stupidly seemed to me that Orion's Belt turned into a fireball...
(The observations continued until dawn.)
Cosmin Sorin Miclos:
On a quiet morning I am a tired face.
Andrei Pocora:
You are the unseen face of the Moon.
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
Or the strange face from Mars, who missed a few stars.
Valentin Grigore (appears with the group of young people):
The sky unites us, it is part of our life.
Thank you for resonating with the sky above and taking a part of it with you.
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe:
With the sunrise that will follow the nocturnal and luminous meteors, we will also set ourselves in motion… as diurnal and humane meteors.
What a great emotion!