The Hubble ULLYSES
Blind Homer, Greek poet, who saw beyond sight,
composed the great epic, the Odyssey tale
of Odysseus, Latin Ulysses, quite
iconic as hero, in ten-year travail
who strove in voyage legendary in scope
to find his way home after decade-long war
‘midst obstacles monstrous, past limits of hope
through thick and through thin to his Ithaca shore.
ULLYSES, here acronym for Hubble plan
of Legacy Library of astrals young,
is studying two fledgling star types in scan,
both super-hot, massive and blue ones unsung
as yet, such as in thirty Doradus zone
or Tarantula Nebula within Cloud
the Large Magellanic as region is known
ultraviolet light lit thus to unshroud
energetic processes of stars just made
in high-resolution views newly displayed,
by dear Mother Nature in cosmic brocade,
with applauding stargazers in accolade.
Emissions like these by this Hubble highlight
the hottest material at least in part
like vast spatial window or maybe skylight,
through building a dataset state of the art.
This input astronomers will provide aid
in learning how stars form and of their makeup;
to attain this, various factors are weighed
that perhaps may bring about call for wake up
to new information that yet we may glean
plus even concerning ourselves, since we are,
though seldom acknowledged and often unseen,
each fashioned of fabric begot from a star,
which brings us back home to the beings that we
of all possibilities happen to be
on planet that suits earthly life to a T
and seems truly rare in the universe sea…
Yet wonder on wonder seems still to unfold
in endless immenseness of marvels untold.
How many amazements might still we behold
ere way of all flesh leaves our beingness cold?
~ Harley White
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Inspiration derived from the following…
Odysseus (Wikipedia)…
Odyssey (Wikipedia)…
Hubble’s ULLYSES Program ~ Hubble’s Ultraviolet Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards…
Three-Year Study of Young Stars with NASA’s Hubble Enters New Chapter (NASA)…
ULLYSES ~ Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards…
Explanation: This comprehensive survey, called ULLYSES (Ultraviolet Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards), was completed in December 2023, and provides a rich spectroscopic dataset obtained in ultraviolet light that astronomers will be mining for decades to come. Because ultraviolet light can only be observed from space, Hubble is the only active telescope that can accomplish this research…
This image shows a star-forming region known as 30 Doradus, one of the regions observed as part of ULLYSES.
Image credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Paresce (INAF-IASF, Bologna, Italy), R. O'Connell (University of Virginia, Charlottesville), and the Wide Field Camera 3 Science Oversight Committee