
Galactic Pinwheel

By Harley White posted 16 days ago


Mosaic image uses observations taken by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3



Galactic Pinwheel



The Southern Pinwheel is thought to possess

a nucleus double or dual core

due to how it happened to coalesce

as barred spiral galaxy; furthermore,


even though impressive the dark dust lanes

and blotches of gas both in blue and red,

M eighty-three, thus the science explains,

is half size or less of Milky in spread.


Still a massive spiral of grand design

it’s near fifteen million light-years away

from the earthly dramas humans enshrine

and changeable roles they constantly play.


Discovered in seventeen fifty-two

amidst stelliferous skies retinue,

denoted spiral weak-barred in debut

when its loosely wound arms were brought to view,


the galaxy seems mysterious yet.

Did it interact with a dwarf bizarre

within the last billion years to beget

starburst enterprise in its repertoire?


To add to the image’s divers charms,

sidereal forming is more intense

along leading edge of the spiral arms,

as was predicted in wave theory dense.


Knowledge is evermore being revised

while notions outmoded may be excised

as new understandings are realized

and a deeper discernment crystalized.


Man wants to colonize all that is seen

from the ocean beds to the realms in space

ofttimes with a shallow perspective mean

in a narcissistic hubristic race.


The imperative territorial

would seem built in to our primary scheme,

but if we’d have more than memorial

humankind must embrace a vaster dream.


So let this galactic pinwheel inspire

us mortals to more enlightened desire

to deepest of deep awareness acquire

before from the living we must retire.



~ Harley White



* * * * * * * * *



Some sources of inspiration were the following…


A galaxy with two hearts (ESA)


Density wave theory (Wikipedia)…


Image: This mosaic image uses observations taken by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3. It shows the galaxy in full, with dark dust lanes, fiery red patches of gas, and bright blue patches of recent star formation speckled across the spiraling arms. Although it looks sprawling, Messier 83 is just under half of the size of the Milky Way.

