Image details:
Icy exoplanet (artist's impression)
Credit: ESO
H e y t h e r e ! Are you
curious who we are
and why we send
probes between (un)known worlds?
These little steps make
us proud that we
can mark out (in)significant
presence high above Earth
You may wonder what
kind of life we
represent, but possibly you've
already gathered some knowledge
Maybe you've also heard
a golden plate being
attached to an aged
messenger dispatched long ago…
Meanwhile, we're sharpening
our sight and hearing
(re)drawing ambitious plans to
push cosmos conquest further
We want to reach
places never visited before
forgetting in this quest
that you were here*…
* once, still are or quite near.
Mirosław Wójcik | October 2, 2021 | Poland