SUBLIME PARADOX By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe . . What a fascinating Global Astronomy Month in 2024! The cordial meetings between people and celestial bodies were sublimely illuminated by a total solar eclipse! #poetry #GAM2024
Greetings from the International Astronomical Search Collaboration Detections & Observations Below is a copy of the Detections and Observations made during the April 2024 campaign. You and your teams did a great job! We hope you...
Some impressions from this year's fading Global Astronomy Month. Sidewalk Astronomy - Global Starparty on the evening of April 26th on the main square of the City of Linz/Austria. The biggest astronomy-event at the end of GAM was the Astro-Workshop of my friends of Sternwarte Gahberg (April 27th...
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AN ASTROPOETIC DIALOGUE WITH ZIGMUND TAUBERG By Andrei Dorian Gheorghe I am pleased to inform you that through the poetic dialogue that will follow below, mathematics teacher Zigmund Tauberg becomes, at 96 years and 6 months, the oldest astropoet internationally. ...
. . Stelliferous . . Stelliferous the stars o’erspread that lace the heavens overhead and sparkle plentifully bright to grace the atramental night when face of lumined sol has fled. . Sidereals the skies embed bejeweling where...
Join us for our next #GlobalAstronomyMonth livestream: Eclipse Ambassador Program by Astronomical Society of the Pacific with guest speaker Shanil Virani Astronomer, educator, co-author of Daughter of the Stars, & creator/host of Our Island Universe. Tuesday Apr 23 @ 11 am EDT...
. . Cosmic Travails . . Cosmic travails in heavens viewed attest to Mother Nature’s brood uncountable in boundless skies infinities our mind denies or cannot grasp through senses skewed. . In solar sphere we have debuted as animals...
Image details: Artist's impression of the black hole binary system in NGC 3201 Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/ ––– | SIMPLY STUNNING | S imply stunning is the place that stretches high above our parent...
Join us for our next #GlobalAstronomyMonth webinar: Space Trash Signs - a creative public awareness campaign about space pollution by Serviceplan Group Apr 17 @ 1 pm EDT/Apr 17 1700 UTC This event will be livestreamed on AWB's X (Twitter), YouTube and Facebook #GAM2024 ...
. . The Hubble ULLYSES . / Blind Homer, Greek poet, who saw beyond sight, composed the great epic, the Odyssey tale of Odysseus, Latin Ulysses, quite iconic as hero, in ten-year travail . who strove in voyage legendary in scope to find his way...
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