Image details:
A modern view of the 1919 solar eclipse
Credit: ESO/Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl/F. W. Dyson, A. S. Eddington, & C. Davidson
The brightest star
is somewhere out there;
in the endless infinity
so difficult to grasp
One day, however, it'll
light me up finally,
because it seems that we're
too shy to meet now…
Perhaps due to an overwhelming
distance still separating us
being completely resistant to
any of the relativity theories
The brightest star
is somewhere out there…
I feel it somehow
albeit can not explain
It all beyond the
space I used to
live and the beloved,
almighty, land of words
I have visited it
so many times during
a very peculiar wander
taking place much closer
Even if I never
grasp the endless infinity,
near the brightest star
I'll crouch at least.